Sunday, May 9, 2010

Module 4 response #4, 8, 9

Chapter 4 Response: Conceptualizing Concept
As a part of explanation of a framework of course development process, which is well-described in figure.1.1 (p.3), conceptualizing content is explained in this chapter. On the basis of the two components of course development process, which are defining the context and articulating belief, conceptualizing content is to “choices to what is feasible” (p.39) in the consideration of the resources and constrains of situation given or will be given. While making a decision of what and how to teach, “broader modules or themes” seem to be helpful for the course to be more flexible later. To help choices, three categories were suggested: Focus on language, Focus on learning and learners, and Focus on social context. These three consist of 18 areas (p.54). It contains lots ideas and concepts for teaching, and is necessary to take it into consideration deeply. To let it be, three tools are effective to release and organize the content: Grid (p.57), Mind map (p.58), Flow chart (p.66).

Chapter 8 Response: Developing Materials
As a definition of developing materials, it refers in the text to “creating, choosing or adapting, and organizing materials and activities so that students can achieve the objectives that will help them reach the goals of the course” (p.150). It seems to describe it well. Materials are supposed to perform as supporting roles for learning and teaching, not as main roles. I also agree the view materials development as an activity taking place on “a continuum of decision-making and creativity” and responsibility (p.149). Teachers can turn too much focus on material. Like the author asserted, it has to be cautious not to let “the materials overwhelm the learning purposes they were designed to achieve” (p.170).
In the context of material development, “flexibility” (p.170) and “feasibility” (p.171) are important for more productive courses. If the materials are too rigid or strictly prepared, bad effects can be occurred, not to meet the course and students’ need. Like contents and any other components in developing course, materials are necessary to be flexible.
Materials are supposed to be affected by teachers’ “belief” (p.151) and “the resources and constraints of your context” and teachers’ “objectives for” their students (p.170). One more thing, “sequencing” (p.163) impressed me. Before reading, I thought teachers well-educated have the aspect of professional, but now found out it as a technician. In the context of developing materials, well-organized sequencing is quite effective, which is what I have to learn more to be technical.

Chapter 9 Response: Adapting a Textbook
It is quite right to say textbooks are required by most of teachers who “don’t have the time or resources to prepare their own materials” (p.173). Choosing, developing and organizing materials are quite time-consuming. However, textbooks give advantages on that point, and surely there are more advantages (p.174) than that. Teachers here in Korea normally choose textbook as a teaching tool and main material in course. Although some of them sometimes made the textbooks by themselves to fit their objectives, lots of need for textbook, it is not hardly found for teachers to find textbook. Of course, textbooks can be totally fitted to the teachers’ and students’ objectives and the context of course. Textbooks often are added, skipped, and changed. Just like materials, textbooks are changeable “ (p.173).
Before any handing, such as changing or adding, it is necessary to get accustomed to “how its content is organized” (p.188). Once understanding this, you can make adaptation textbook by three level: “Activitiy level”, “Unit level”, and “Syllabus level” (p.188).
Lately, it also takes it into consideration that textbooks like materials are not supposed to play a main role. Textbooks were described as “piano” (p.175) with saying that “Just as a piano does not play music, a textbook does not teach language. The textbook is a stimulus or instrument for teaching and learning” (p.175).


  1. I also think flexibility is important and capacity to handle the course according to situation is core role for teacher. As you said, if the materials are too rigid or strictly prepared, teacher cannot help students meet their goal. So, if the material from the textbook is not relevant to my class, I prefer to change it to other content. Also, I think good teachers are not just well-educated and have knowledge but who has experienced skill and can apply it to help students achieve their goal when they teach. As you called it a "technician" :)

  2. When teachers choose materials or design a curriculum, “feasibility” and “flexibility”, as you noted above, are very crucial factors. In a real class, there are many cases that the materials teachers prepare are not effective or does not meet the need of students. If such things happen, teachers should reestablish the materials or redesign their course for students to be involved in the class. For this reason, I strongly agree with your comment “materials development takes place on a continuum of decision-making”. Teachers’ right choice and management on organizing materials including textbooks cannot be emphasized too much.

  3. I TOTALLY AGREE that “materials development takes place on a continuum of decision-making”.
    And this is the core role and ability that teachers should have. Use the textbook, activities and materials a tool to support the kids to acquire the language and use the language.

  4. I agree that textbooks can be changeable. Textbooks often are added, skipped, and changed by teachers. Teachers should be capable of designing a course. Every class or every student has different. The teachers’ and students’ objectives and the context of course can be flexible. As you said, teachers should know “how its content is organized” to add, skip, and change absolutely.
